For more than 230 years, our theater building has served many purposes for the community in Bradford: as a town meeting house; Congregational church; a Village Hall featuring vaudeville, sports events, and public concerts; a movie theater that successfully made the transition from silent films to “talkies”; a Fraternal Lodge; and, since 1985, Bradford’s all- volunteer community theater. Learn more about the history of OCT.

A brief history

In the summer of 2017 Old Church Theater’s Board of Directors voted to begin the project of restoring and upgrading our theater building. The factors which lead to this decision included:

  • the persistence and acceleration of mold and mildew growth throughout all areas of the building, particularly the basement

  • the high cost and inefficiency of the heating system, the lack of a cooling system, and insufficient insulation to maintain a consistent comfortable temperature

  • significant concerns about the building’s overall structural integrity including primary stage and floor supports, and basement floor upheaval

  • concerns about the integrity of the building’s foundation due to improper drainage of water away from the building

  • concerns about roof leaks, and roof support

  • the inability to use the building at all between November and April due to the high cost of heat, and the generally uncomfortable conditions within the building during those months

  • the limitations on expanding ADA accessibility under the existing conditions

  • prior ineffective attempts at resolving issues with the electrical system for stage lights and sound

The last performance in the Old Church Theater building was Ethan Frome on October 29, 2017. In the spring of 2018, OCT assembled a temporary stage for performances at 176 Waits River Road in Bradford, where it performed for three seasons. Since the opening of Alice in Wonderland on August 13, 2021, performances have been on the Bradford Academy stage, across the street from our building.

Estimated cost

The total estimated cost of the historic renovation is currently $1.7 million dollars.


Amount of Grants awarded by year. Total: $350,064

Amount of private donations by year. Total: $126,587.87

Total raised to date: $476,651.87 (estimated 28.03% of project total)

  • Peter H. Brink Leadership Fund

  • Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

  • US Small Business Administration

  • Vermont Community Foundation

  • Vermont Arts Council

  • Vermont Mutual Fund

  • Congressionally Directed Spending Historic Preservation Fund (administered by the National Parks Service)

  • Town of Bradford, Vermont

  • The National Trust Preservation Fund

  • Preservation Trust of Vermont

  • Vermont Division for Historic Preservation

  • Co-Operative Insurance

  • Vermont Community Development Program

  • Hypertherm Hope Foundation

Old Church Theater has been awarded grants or appropriations by the following:


  • Feasibility, Planning, and Eligibility Studies

  • Historical Preservation Assessment

  • Architectural design

  • Plot survey

  • Required legal documentation


  • Emergency structural stabilization of the back left corner of the building, and exterior wall repair

  • Removed shed attached to the building, which was the primary cause of mold growth

  • Painted the exterior of the building

  • Installed permanent posts to support the floor of the main level including stage and auditorium

  • Removed basement interior walls and fixtures

  • Effected permanent foundation repair

Completed Work 

Pending Work

  • Drainage: A new drainage system will be installed around the outside of the property to direct water runoff away from the building, preventing future issues with mold, rot, and deterioration.

  • Basement Floor: A new concrete floor will be poured at the basement level, further strengthening the foundation and providing structural integrity.

This work has been fully funded and is in the implementation phase. Construction will begin once it is scheduled with the appropriate contractors.

Planned Work 

This work is still in the process of funding and will be moved to the implementation phase once funding is secured.

  • HVAC: A new HVAC system will be installed to provide efficient heating and cooling systems and allowing for year-round use. Estimated cost: $280,000

  • ADA Restrooms: ADA compliant doorway framing and hardware, as well as new fixtures, plumbing, handrails, and floor finishes for larger, accessible restrooms. Estimated cost: $41,000

  • ADA Ramp: A switchback ramp at the main entrance to the building, and associated earthwork. Estimated cost: $32,000

  • Sprinkler System: To meet prevailing fire safety standards for public buildings. Estimated cost: $59,000

Local Support

  • US Senator Bernie Sanders

  • VT Secretary of State Sarah Copeland-Hanzas

  • VT Senator Jane Kitchell

  • VT Senator Joe Benning

  • Bradford Merchants Association

  • Cohase Chamber of Commerce

  • Two Rivers-Ottaquechee Regional Commission

The OCT Restoration Project has received broad support from area residents, and community leaders, including:

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